



《疯狂英语》之我想 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:51:05 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文


  从来都不知道,那些枯燥乏味的英语句子下,竟然隐藏着这么大的乐趣,好似打开了令人着迷的宝藏。一个下午,两个小时的演讲中,李阳老师为我们打开了一扇不为人知的英语大门,走过大门,一片美好的前景,在向我们招手。没有什么事不可能的!Struggle is the only correct way for human beings !吃苦是人间唯一正道!!!看似疯狂,却让人热血沸腾!无比疯狂,就是我们面对学习的态度!疯——我们无所畏惧、狂——我们蔑视一切!!!当最后的时刻将要来临,最后决战的号角已经吹响,是我们展现自我的时候了。



My mother’s day

  My mother's day

  This woman is my mother。

  My mother is a teacher。She teaches Chinese。In the morning,she eats breakfast and goes to work。She goes to work by bus。She has classes with her students。she eats lunch at school。She goes home at half past five in the afternoon。Then she makes the meals for her family。After dinner,she washes the dishes。At half past six,she dances in the park。At half past eight,she goes shopping at supermarket。She goes to bed at ten o'clock。

  This is my mother's day。It is very buzy。She has a good time。
