



How Careless I Am 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:51:08 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  How Careless I Am I am a lively and cheerful person, I grow big and bright eyes, high nose, red, small mouth, class a talk to endless. Although I am in the teacher"s eyes, achievement is not one of the best, but in the eyes of my classmates, is famous. Because I am willing to help others, the friend also is very many. One person said that people are not perfect. That"s right, I have a few faults. I remember once, the math exam, I see the problem again, the in the mind is dark Muse: ha ha, this is really too simple, 100 points is my. I"ve done it quickly. To you when I was so excited and excited. Sent the papers, I closed my eyes, secretly guess the score: points? I see 88 points, in the heart sad and angry, sad is not to test to 100 points. The angry is why I did not check, I deserve it! I looked at the side of the students, what! 100 points! I asked him: "how do you get 100 points?" He humbly said: "modesty makes people progress, proud to make people fall behind! As long as there is nothing serious! " When I came home, I gave my mother a low head and said, "Mom, I didn"t take a good 88 minutes, my mother got angry and said," how do you do it!" I didn"t check, I was too proud. "Mother said:" never again. "." "" Oh, "from now on, I will not be careless. This is me, a love to help others and careless of me.

How Careless I Am

My hometown

  My hometown in Guang'an, Yuechi province Sichuan County, although my hometown is not the big city, just a small county, but those beautiful park can be unique.Wind Hill Park is not like those of the pond, there are tall mountains, a church and unique to the Dragon King's palace, the dragon is from a mountain to wear in the past, inside the dark looks quite scary. Leading beautiful, there are a variety of colors. Its tail directly leads to the top of the hill of the stairs, you go to the top of the hill, countless skyscrapers will greet, you look into the distance, will see the faint of hills.And a park called Lake, also known as artificial lake, the water clear bottomed out, above a few black duck, look, I really like the guardian of the lake. The lake is very long! You look to the two sides, and you can't see the side.I have such a beautiful home, I am really proud of!
