



My favorite fruit 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:51:14 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Everyone has favorite fruit. My favorite fruit is filled with the purple grape. It is sour. Because I like to eat sour fruit.

  She is a vine. The purple coat package in the body. A very beautiful. Like a purple pearls. In the sunshine. The glow of beauty. People have seen.

  Dear friends, are you favorite fruit is what? Introduce to me, ok?

  学校地址:三栋中心小学 五年级 邱玉娇

My favorite fruit

My home

  I have a happy family. Home four members. I still have my mom and dad younger brother.

  We often get together on TV. Eat together. Sometimes go outing this weekend. I feel very happy, happy is permeated with full house.

  This is my home.

  学校地址:三栋中心小学 五年级 邱玉娇
