



Happy National Day 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:51:15 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Today is October 8st,the holiday is coming to an end.I plan to write a diary every day so that I can earn some money and improve my English .

  now my roommates are all chat with their girlfriend,I am so poor that I don't have a girlfriend,but I will not feel sad about it,because everything have the reason.I know the reason of it.

  besides,I have used the openpose to analysis the pose of the people.it's really funny ,but my computer can not run it and I use my roommate's computer to run it ,the GPU is important to run it ,his computer 's GPU is RTX2060 but mine is GTX1650,that's why I can't run it but his computer can do it .

  let me think about what can I write more .my friends who studied with me in high school are chatting in the WeChat now and they are eager to see other's photo,that's really boring.

  it's time to sleep,good night.

Happy National Day

I love my dog

  The dog is a spiritual, very cute and clever, and smart, and my dog ​​is such a dog.

  When she first came to my house, she had a big belly and was very happy to shake her tail. Her coat color was yellow with white, with bright eyes and two ears always moving. At first, my father wanted me not to be close to her, probably because I was not familiar with people, afraid of biting people.

  I always touch her head, and she sees me touching her head, always shaking her tail. Whenever she saw me coming over, she always shook her tail and couldn’t wait to get in front of me. Unfortunately, she was locked by the chain, because it would prevent her from running around with a big belly, so it would be bad if she was hit by a car. .

  Whenever the dog screams, it proves that she is going to pull and pee. When I came to help her solve the chain lock, she couldn't wait to go out. I almost caught my hand every time. When the chain is opened, she will run out like a fly, and I will take her to pour a tree, as if sitting, and then pull it out. At this time, if she pulls her back, she will be screaming in a short time, so she will wait for 4 or 5 minutes and she will pull.

  Soon, it was 4 minutes, and she suddenly jumped to a tree, and when she was half-squatting, she would pull up. Finally, I have a password to go home. As long as I make a sharp voice like a paparazzi, she will fly the same home (probably because her child is in danger!) I ran home with her, she ran It’s faster than me.

  Dog is the most loyal friend of mankind. Dogs are more loyal than any animal, and can even sacrifice themselves and protect their owners with courage and fearlessness.

  I love my dog!
