



I like draw. 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:51:15 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Drawing is my hobby. Whenever I roll out the drawing paper and pick up the brush, there is always something unpleasant in my heart.

  No, I'm going to draw again. When I heard the teacher say, "let's draw the spring." With the flowers and plants all over the land, a vivid picture immediately appeared in my mind: green grass, green trees, flowers, the river colorful and beautiful!

  I was afraid that I could not afford to make such a beautiful picture. There was a pond under the tree. There was a happy fish in the pond. There were tadpoles, frogs, ducks playing in the water, and a few swallows flying back from the south in the sky. Beside the pond, there are still several children flying kites and playing hide and seek.

  I love painting. I paint at home, draw in the wild, I often ask grandpa for advice, I often ask my teacher for advice. At ordinary times, I have pictures in my mind. There is a moving picture. My childhood is very happy.

I like draw.


  我们已经做出最强装备——艾德曼盔甲,我们天不怕地不怕,拿出弓和剑,就出去了。简直是一刀一个僵尸啊,不一会,这片区域就被我们照亮了,不会再刷怪了,真的是僵尸一点都不可怕,我们来到市区,那里的怪更加可怕,开坦克的都出来了,我们拿出艾德曼剑,轻轻一削,整个坦克变成两半,瞬间杀死了里面的僵尸,突然!一个僵尸一刀一下,把肥赵的头盔摘了下来,又把他杀死了,他拿出肥赵的艾德曼剑,吹了口哨,一大批僵尸从天而降,真可怕,突然一大群僵尸涌了出来,把我们包围了,但是我们毫不畏惧,一刀一个僵尸,不一会就把全部给杀死了,但是肥赵的枪和子弹盔甲剑都被拿走了,完了!马老湿大叫,马老湿又说:“我们害了人类!”我们不明白为什么僵尸拿了一套肥赵的装备就完了,又一个晚上,全部僵尸全部有满级附魔的艾德曼剑,到处都是人类的惨叫声还有M4的枪声,正好M4就是肥赵的空投装备,马老湿惨叫:“啊啊啊啊。”我们害了全人类啊,现在僵尸白天不怕火烧,明天就是血月,天啊,假设昨天这个地区有500个僵尸,今天也是有500个僵尸,但是血月就会有1500个僵尸出击,一共就有2000个僵尸!如果不杀死他们,一天500个僵尸增加,Oh my God!瞬间我们感到天塌了下来。

