



感谢你老师英语 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:51:16 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  I want to thank you。You are the one of brightest stars in the sky。I want to thank you,you teach me how to do well in all things。

  I want to thank you,you give me advice about how to be a top student。Thank you Mrs Xu。When I have trouble,you will give me a helping hand and have a rest with the help of you。

  My English has improved much。In the word I really want to thank you。


My sister我的妹妹英语

  My younger sister is young, but she likes doing housework very much。 She can cook nice food。 She is not tall, but she is pretty。 She is polite and helpful。 She doesn’t go to school。 She is only seven。

  She likes playing computer games very much。 She can speak English。 She often rides a bike to the park to fly kites。

  She is lovely, so we all love her。
