



My Day 600字小学英语作文

2022-03-15 06:51:16 栏目:小学英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  My Day

  双流实小 六年级九班 胡雯茜

  Hello, everyone! My name is Mary. I’m twelve years old. I am a student. From Monday to Friday, I go to school. But at the weekends, I don’t go to school.

  On schooldays, I am very busy. I usually get up at seven o’clock. Then, I have to brush my teeth and wash my face. After breakfast, I go to school. School usually starts at seven forty. We always have four lessons in the morning. Some students have lunch at school. In the afternoon, we usually have two lessons, but sometimes we have three lessons. School finishes at seven o’clock. After school, I have to go home quickly, because I have so much homework to do. And I always do my homework for two hours.

  On the weekends, I don’t have to go to school. I always get up at nine o’clock. Then I make breakfast. After breakfast I make my bed. At 10:00, I usually feed the fish. Then I play games. At 12:00 I have lunch. In the afternoon, I have a Chinese lesson in


  . Oh, I am so tired. So in the evening, I don't watch TV or do anythings. I go to bed very early. Tomorrow, I will go to school again!

  That's my day. I am a little busy, but I am very happy everyday.


My Day


  What shall we do first

  Now most of us are the only children in our families. Our parents love us very much and they try their best to do everything for us, but some of us become selfish. As students, I think first we should respect our parents and teachers and get on well with our classmates. We should also help people when they are in trouble and think more of others. I think it’s very important to communicate with others. Finally, I hope we have a good relationship with everyone around us.
