



中暑假英语周记 400字高中英语作文

2022-03-14 17:36:35 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Today is exhausted, but a meaningful day, today I have climbed the mountain and my mom and dad, I didn't want to go at the beginning, because I know that going up the mountain is very hard, I need a lot of twists and turns.But I was convinced by my mother, my mother said that this can not only exercise my perseverance, but also let me feel the beauty of nature.

  At the beginning of climbing, I was not very tired, because it was just the beginning, and my physical strength was not consumed.I usually chat with my friends and climb the mountain while chatting, which also lightens my burden, but when I climb higher and higher, I feel a little tired, maybe my physical strength is a little exhausted.In the middle of the time I even want to give up, but my mother told me that I should learn to adhere to, can not do anything halfway.I was moved by my mother's persuasion, because I really want to give up when I do something, so it is not okay to keep going.So I listened to my mother's persuasion, with them to climb the top of the mountain, climbing the top of the mountain when I am very tired, but I feel very proud and gratified.Because I rely on their own perseverance, I want to overcome the idea of giving up, with their own perseverance and attitude to overcome my inertia.

  I fell asleep soon after I got home, and even didn't eat dinner, because I was really tired, today although very tired, but very meaningful.





  她说话从来不看我们,一直望着后黑板,可是我觉得很神奇,记得有一次,我坐在第一排,她眼睛还是望着后黑板,滔滔不绝讲着语法知识,我侥幸我的风水宝地是她的盲区,一直在那走神发呆,没有认真听课。等到下课,我走过讲台的时候,她问我 :“你这节课是怎么啦? 怎么没有好好做笔记 ?” 我还在奇怪她为什么会知道这件事,看到我没有做笔记的事 。我呆呆地站在那里,低着头有点羞愧, 不敢回答 。“以后上课得认真听,该做笔记的时候就做笔记。 ”她好像看出了我的心思 ,对我轻声嘱咐道 。我感觉很愧疚 ,觉得应该好好读英语这个科目。

  我们的英语老师 ,最最经典的一句话就是“词汇是基础 ”,她一直强调 “vocabulary”这个词,这对于基础薄弱的我来说如醍醐灌顶,直到现在,我学英语都很重视词汇的积累。

