



Never had the time to w 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:57 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  On the day of learning, I went back home. Always want to find a place to rest, but the study task but could not delay. Less than a mother with exhausted body back, I continue to write my homework, I had finished the homework, when mother was cooking, my mother was cooking, while to washed your feet, etc ate, I use pot of burned water, I said to her mother, "mom, you rest I help you to wash their feet." Mother said: "no, your own washed went, help me wash why!" I say: "why! Help mom to wash feet is today's homework, you don't want to wash it all." Mom reluctant to agreed.

  I put the water into the basin, seeping into the right amount of cold water, end to his mother and said, "mom, wash their feet." I put my mother's socks off the feet in the water, wipe gently with towel, and in my side when washing mom touched my head to say: "my son grew up and know CARES about mom?!" I listened to the heart after being eaten the honey still sweet. Then I help my mother had washed feet, mother will go to had washed, I say: "let me! I won't be the last time for home, that got conduit explosion." like got Bowl had washed, I'm too tired to fall on the bed, the entire people are full of sleepiness.

  Through this I know mother is how of not easy! By day outside beat up and get home at night and to cook, wash the dishes.

Never had the time to w





  果然,在期末考试中,我的英语成绩明显提高,得到了老师的表扬。此后,我就更加用心了,爱上了英语,爱上了这门独特的语言。久而久之,我的英语水平不断提高,成为了班里的英语尖子生,考试、测试都不在话下。 同学们问我为什么这么喜欢英语,可以考得这么好,我回答说:“其实,每个人只要努力,把学习当成是一种很简单快乐的事情,把学习英语当做是在做游戏,努力地,快乐地把这个游戏的要领掌握,就会成为这个游戏的主人,英语也就不再那么难了。”


