



申请信 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:18 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Dear administrator,

  The purpose of my writing this letter is to apply to become a volunteer. I saw what your notice published on the internet not long ago. I applied to be a volunteer in a nursing home. Details are as follows.

  First I think I have the ability to be a volunteer. Because I have all kinds of skills and crafts. The major I studied in college is about painting. So I can provide good service to those old people in this aspect of art. I can sing to them, even teach them to sing. I can draw for them, too. Or help them draw what they want. Besides, I can take pictures. I grew up with a love of photography. Photography is both a hobby and a specialty for me. I think I can record those wonderful moments and wonderful times through photography. Under my lens, every old man's smiling face can be photographed very carefully and sincerely. Besides that, I can write. Although not very professional writer, but I think I have the ability to write vivid and meticulous record of every moment of life with the old people. Through these skills I can live happily with the old people,and bring them happiness. You can also record some warm and wonderful moments. Has recorded the good life in a nursing home. 1.1 drops of the good life in the nursing home are recorded through photography and writing. More importantly, taking care of the elderly is my hobby. These old people are relatively lonely people. It may be because there are no children or because the children are too busy to take care of their parents. Even if there may be many friends in the nursing home, the old people will still feel very empty in their hearts. The best way to deal with such a situation is to add fun to them. In addition to this, I have a better way, that is, to communicate with their children. Borrowing some means to get their children's words across to them. I think this kind of thing is very meaningful. Taking care of the elderly is my hobby, and I think I can do it. My personality is very outgoing, and like to communicate with others. More importantly, I have the patience to take care of the elderly.

  I think I am willing and able to be a volunteer to take care of the elderly. I would appreciate it very much if you could read my heart patiently and accept my application. Looking forward to your early reply.


Letter of apology

  Dear Maria,

  In this letter I sincerely say sorry to you. You may not know what happened, but I have to tell you the truth. The specific events are as follows.

  Do you remember when I told you yesterday that I left your story book at my house? Actually, it's just a lie I made up. I'm terribly sorry, but I've actually lost your storybook. I'll tell you the details in this letter. Just at noon the day before yesterday, I made an appointment with my friends to eat out. The meal was delicious and we had a good talk. After dinner we decided to go out to central park. At that time I still remember clearly that I still had your story book. At that time, I decided to return your book to you and then go to the park with them. But one of my friends insisted on not wasting time, and I thought about it. It was really late. If we don't hurry to get into the park, we may be very late and very late after playing. There are so many bad people in this kind of city, but we dare not go home alone at night, so we decided to go in and play first. On the one hand, I consider that I can't delay other people's time, and I don't dare to go home alone at night. On the other hand, I think I can return your storybook to you tomorrow because you once told me that I can return it to you whenever I want, that is, it will be better early.So we took a trip to the park first. But something bad happened, and by the time we got back from the park, I'd already found out that my arm didn't have your storybook. By then it was almost 7:00 at night, the sun was already setting, and I was ready to hurry to find it. Two other friends of mine came with me to look for the book because I knew it was very important to you. But we are clean, and our rights are still not found. But you must not be too discouraged, because I seem to remember where it should be. Because we took the Ferris wheel, and the Ferris wheel is the place we didn't find. So I think there's a good chance that book is on the Ferris wheel. I'll look for that book tomorrow. I think there is a good chance of finding it because the staff will definitely keep it. If you really can't get it back, I'll buy you the exact same one. So you must not be too angry or sad about it. If you bought it online, please give me his link. You can give me a deadline, I will find your story book within this deadline. Do you need some damages? I can pay you, too. Please be sure to forgive me, I will be very grateful to you.

  Once again, I am very sincerely sorry. I would appreciate it very much if you would forgive me and accept my compensation. Looking forward to your early reply.
