



The Harms of War 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:19 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Although we down in blessed life today, we can't neglect that some areas are still at the war. Tose men have been suffering from turbulence.

  As for some politicians, war is only a way to come in, which simple and effective. This kind of men's promises are not trustworthy at all. In on way do people hope to be led by these men. It is more terrible that no one know if the turnaround will come. What people really want to get is sunshine but shadow.

  God bless those people who loss their treasures at the war, gloomy days will leave one day.

The Harms of War

a email to Alice

  Dear Alice,

  Haven't seen you for ages.I was not but happy when I received your email.And I am sorry to know that you are addicted to novel and out of control.So I would like to give you some suggestions,hoping they are helpful to you.

  Spending lots of time reading novels must be a waist of your time.If not get rid of this bad habit in time,you will face more problems such as the grades' going down, lack of communication and so on.When you are going to pick up your book,manage to keep you away from it.Maybe you could lock them in a drawer.Or you could give them away to your friends.But I think the most effective way is that focusing on other things.You are supposed to go outside to play sports or chat with your friends on the internet.If above don't work,try to talk with your parents and teachers about the problem.Never forget that where there is a will,there is a way.I hope my suggestions could put you out of trouble.

  Looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, LiHua.
