



Drinking water and health, 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:20 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  A healthy person, have enough water to drink, even a period of time without food, also can maintain life. If there is no water, three days will lead to death. If in the sweltering heat of the desert, even insist on less than two hours, a god of death will come. So the compendium of materia medica put water in the first chapter. China's ancestors have "is better than medicine to eat, to eat the no water filling". Why water is so important to people?

  More than two thirds of the human body is water. Water is transmitted to the human body each organization, nutrient excretion human waste and body fluids such as blood circulation of the carrier, is to digest food, lubricating joints and various internal organs and material necessary to regulate body temperature. Water is part of the blood system containing soluble minerals, it like dissolved calcium and magnesium, is necessary for the body to support healthy tissue.

  Drinking enough water is conducive to disease cure. For example, can prevent colds, who has a cold and make the more early. The reason is that most cold caused by viruses, the body skin and mucosa was defense against viruses and bacteria invasion of the immune system's first line of defense, enough to drink, can avoid dry skin and mucous membrane, to prevent bacteria and viruses enter the body. Enough water can induce the body eliminate waste and make patients more early.

Drinking water and health,


  Bridge, is to each kind of bridge. Actually, according to the different use function, can be pided into "pedestrian bridge", "the car bridge", human overpasses and motorised vehicle constitutes urban highway system "interchange viaduct" and so on.

  The structure of the bridge, with the rapid development of science and technology and industrial production is also in the development and change constantly. Now has a beam bridge structure, steel structure bridge, suspension bridge structure, suspension bridge structure, and so on many kinds of.

  The structure of the bridge, with the rapid development of science and technology and industrial production is also in the development and change constantly. Now has a beam bridge structure, steel structure bridge, suspension bridge structure, suspension bridge structure, and so on many kinds of.

  The shape of the bridge is various, the style each different. Pedestrian bridge generally have one word, T word, cross, S, Y, U, all the amorphous, according to the topography and flexible design. Dealership bridge basic types of diamond, alfalfa, ring type, horn, etc. In short, as long as the function, structure and shape perfectly together, can achieve good effect of art and technology.The bridge in the city, not only is a sign of prosperity in cities, more major is it in the aspects of urban transportation, energy, benefit play a huge role. With Shanghai yanan east road pedestrian bridge as an example, after the commissioning of the bridge, the bridge nearby within 100 meters of motor vehicle speed increased by 28%, compared with the previous and a 80% drop in traffic accidents and its economic benefit and social benefit is obvious. Since 1964 in guangzhou to build the first overpass in China, Beijing, Shanghai, tianjin, guangzhou and other major cities are built by all kinds of intersection has reached thousands of, in the aspects of urban transportation, energy, benefit plays a huge role.
