



A letter 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:28 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Dear peter,

  How are things with you?

  Knowing that you have great interest in traditional Chinese calligraphy. I am writing to offer a book called Chinese Calligraphy Appreciation,and I will send it to you as a gift.

  This book is mainly consisting of three parts, including the introduction about Chinese calligraphy, the masterpieces written by famous Chinese calligraphers , and some efficient methods to learn how to write a better calligraphy. It is translated into English so that you can understand it better. I hold the belief that you will enjoy the book!

  Since I have got acquainted with you last week, I don't know where you live, so could you please let me know when you will be free and your address? I will give that book to you.

  Looking forward to your reply!


  Li Hua

A letter


  In order to improve students’ spoken Chinese and encourage them to learn more about Chinese poetry, We will have a Poetry Recitation Contest in our school. We sincerely welcome the students from international class to join in the contest.

  Our contest will be held in our school lecture hall from three P.M to five P.M on March 20th. The theme of our contest is Tang and Song Dynasty, so you should prepare poems which were written in Tang or Song Dynasty. Those who want to take part in the contest ,please sign up your name and other information, and send them to the student union. You can perform the recitation in a group or inpidually. The first 5 winners will be given surprising prizes!

  We hold the belief that you can learn a lot about traditional Chinese culture through this contact. Looking forward to your participation!

  Student Union
