



The summer holiday 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:39 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Summer holiday is coming . I will travel to Hang zhou with my friends . we will go to Hang zhou is graffiti wall painting. I will go to the playground in Hang zhou. Because i heard that the people of the wheel will be very happy. I hope that wu have a smooth journey. Have a good time ! If you want to travel with us, you can contact me before 20.

The  summer   holiday

Environmental problem

  In recent years, the environmental problem has been a concem of the people . Now , the global warming is becoming more and more serious. The earth is green space is less and less. So i advocate a variety of trees ,green travel. We should treasure the food, because children in poor areas do not have enough food to supply . We should do more work to help children in poor areas to read, eat a warm meal. So we should protect the earth , so that the earth is life is more and more long. Let the world become more beautiful !
