



I love snow 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:34 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  This winter, I was away from home, spent in Hunan. Winter in Hunan is quite different from Beijing, a rain is the snow falls. See the sky falling snow, I began to miss Beijing in the winter.

  Walking in the snow, creaking, look, a bunch of footprints also called beauty. Snow, covering the whole earth, snow Elves will change. The field is no longer dull yellow, snow elves of its decorative. The head is no longer blindly black, white snow elves give each person with different ornaments. The earth is no longer cold green, snow elves it with warm by. The tree is no longer quiet green, snow elves give it with a thin yarn, let the tree alive

I love snow

I found his charm

  I found his charm

  what his name? I don't know. He is which? I still don't know. Only know that that's not the local dialect. Live in where? I don't know more. -signature

  That day, I stepped into the school gate the bell rang, I come to the classroom. The people behind block I forbid I go, said: "please show me your tags." My dynasty he look at, despise an attend to say: "didn't bring, could you take me how wear." Quick step aside, I have to go to the lecture? I hurriedly before I leave, but he a big hands I grasped back. Q I call a few class, that we bring back the teacher in charge. From then on, I hate to him is like bone. Every time I saw him on a few words will scold. Vomit a tongue. Hum……

  One day, the day was very cold, on the road was frozen. Originally road is slippery, I walk, and slow. To a school, just entered school to a motorcycle behind. I panic god, a fall. Don't know who pulled me aside, at the same time motorcycles and I put the shoulder. I was about to thank the help benefactor, and looked up is he? I started. I said, thank you, and return to the classroom.
