



How to learn english well 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:28 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Hi,I am JK,a student from high school.If you have some problems in learning english.Especially in listening and writing.

  Here are some adviese to help you.First,you should listen english everday,and you should start from the easy partss.Because according to your level,better easy than hard.Second,you should read more english stories,that can help you a lot.And then you can try to write some by yourself.And write some english diaries is a good way,too.

  Hope these suggestions will help you.And you have any questions,just ask me.

How to learn english well


  Hi,everybody.My name YangTonglin .I'm eighteen years old.I'm a high school student.I like poetry,literature,and I like playing basketball.

  Although many people find maths difficult,but I think mathematics is very simple.Mathematics is not only my first love,but also my companion.

  My least fovorite subject is English,because I think English is very difficult to learn.I hate English,not only because of it,but also because my interest in it has bee worn away since I began to learn it.I want to learn it well,but I don't know from He Xueqi.

  I am a very helpful person.If you need help,please call me at 12345678901.

  This is me,a unique me.
