



My teacher 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:29 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  I have a knowledgeable, kind of good teacher to the student, her bright big eyes reveal a simple, warm feeling, she committed for education career, always take care of us. She is the head teacher of our class class - Wang Yuanju. Remember when I first turn to the class, was very timid, and the teacher is very strange to the king, when the teacher to ask questions in class, I almost didn't raise their hands, only low head silently thinking, worry a side the teacher can call to me. "Zhang Yanan" the teacher just point to my name, I was scared heart pounding, afraid to answer his mistakes, make a joke. But I have to "military" stood up slowly, haltingly to answer the teacher's questions, sounds less like a mosquito. But the teacher didn't criticize me, but also friendly to me and said: "the answer All right, if voice loud and clear, so much the better." The teacher encouraged as a warm current, flow all over the body. From then on, the teacher's questions, as long as I know, I can product extremely raised his hand and answered, and voice loud and clear, the teacher and students to the eyes of praise to me. From her eyes I knew what is encouraged. Teacher wang not only encourage us in our studies and can package, let our mistakes. Remember once, Zhou Wenjiang classmates didn't hand in your homework, the teacher was found to change our homework. In class, the teacher and there is no point in public in his name, but call him into the office when the class is over, told him a lot, he looks at the teacher soft eyes, listening to the teacher's instructing earnestly. From then on, Zhou Wenjiang classmate never made the same mistakes again. Teacher, you are hard gardener, "pruning shears leaf", for us to make our more brilliant, more brilliant, you struggled. Teacher, please believe that I will be with excellent performance to repay you.

My teacher

My dear mother

  My mother is a kind and gentle mother. When I meet with difficulties she encouraged me, she comfort me when I'm the examination didn't test good, all in all, she is a good mother, a worthy of I love mother. Mother never let me go swimming alone. Remember the time, dad on a business trip, I have an appointment with a few good friends, go to the swimming pool to swim. But, while my mother was I have promised to students, and were supposed to be there or be square, contended, I can not go. I was angry and said angrily: "someone else can go, why can't I? Are you intentionally don't let me swim swim? I can't seem to learn to swim! Can't you let me learn seriously? Hum! I today to go!" Mother sighed gas mouth, said: "no, I just worry about you out of danger, if you have if anything happens, how can I do? Your father isn't at home again, alas......" I listened to, looked up and saw mom Reluctantly shook his head, she seems to feel that I have been think mom is very annoying. At this moment, I quickly said: "mother, no relations! I don't go to swimming! Don't go!" Mother finally peeped out a smile on her face, she gratified nodded. Another time, I was in the school class, suddenly felt a pain in the foot irritable, tears flowing down at once. Head teacher saw, call mom said this, mother immediately rush to school. At that time, I have already can't walk, my mother back up, I struggled to goes to the nearby hospital. Soaked with sweat Her clothes, and mosquitoes around her DaZhuanEr, mom still did not pause... Went to the hospital, the doctor said I fell ill with a fever, need to have a rest, mother immediately back up again I, on the way home... Until now I see it, is fresh, like happened yesterday. I know, my mother is love me, I will do my best to repay my dear mom, don't live up to her expectations of me...
