



I went to Cube. 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:51:04 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  I went to Cube March 22,2015, we went to Cube. Cube is a beautiful country. With beach and sea, drink a cocktail at beach...... This is I think, someone is already go. They said:"Cube is wonderful, I don't want come back anymore."But I don't think so, I just believe myself, I'll try it. Canada to Cube no stop is six hour. I am so tired, because when I at hotel is 2 o'clock. Then mum and dad check in, I'm run to me room,"beds, here I comes"I shouted.

I went to Cube.

Study at Canada

  Study at Canada At September 26,2015. I with my mother went to Canada. We'll study at here for 1 year. Because this is my first time, so I'm a tiny bit shy. But for one month, I have so many friend. They are so friendly, and they really like to help someone, just in time, I really need help. So they help me somewhere, and I got a nice teacher. Now I'll back to China, but I'll say thank you to them. If I didn't come to Canada, maybe I didn't know them anymore.
