



Application letter 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:29 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文



  My name is LiHong. I heard of our school will hold a activity about welcoming exchange students from Canada. I want to let one exchange student come to my home.

  I want to know the culture about Canada. I think they are very happy to tell me their culture. And I can introduce our culture to them. My parents want to talk with a person who comes from Canada. It’s a good chance for them. So I hope I can invite an exchange student to come to my home.

  Maybe you will ask me if I have ability to talk with them. I can speak English very well. And my family is rich, so I can make them fell comfortable.

  I can make school be proud of me!


Application letter

Loose loosen

  Today parents are looking forward to making us become useful people. So they hope us can get more and more knowledge.

  In the summer holiday, we only have one third time to play with friends. But in the winter holiday, we even have no time to play. Unless we have to go to hospital when we get ill, we can have time to watch TV in the hospital.

  Sometimes we feel not happy because we have no free time. We don’t like going to class in our holiday especially summer holiday.

  Don’t forget: Unless we have a enough rest, we can study well!

  So please give back our free time, we want to play with our friends!
