



Life 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:30 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  I remember Zhang Ailing once wrote in his article that life is like a gorgeous robe, full of lice.

  The first time I read this sentence, I was just in primary school, so I didn't have a deep feeling. Now many years have passed. Shunyi in a sentence.

  Those too beautiful appearance, so that people feel a little unreal. Under the innocent smile, there may be unspeakable pain.

  Behind the gorgeous fingers on the surface, there may be deep sadness. That's what you only know. Speaking to the sand in the shoes will only make others feel affectation, so they are only deeply buried in their hearts, unwilling to talk, and have no place to tell.

  People always tend to exaggerate their own difficulties and ignore the troubles of others.

  In fact, if you are not in the situation of others, how can you experience all kinds of tastes? The so-called empathy, in the end, is just a vain imagination. One can't make a lion in front of others.


I Will Never Forget

  Some people also can't forget, because it has already been engraved into the ring and become the mark of life. And will never fade in memory. Even if did not think of him, but also in a certain moment quietly revealed traces. If it wasn't a dream like that, maybe I wouldn't know. very deep. How profound.

  People are always forgetful, forgetting a few lines of notes in those years, and forgetting their own childishness. But only I can not forget. Oh, it will be painful memory. Because apart from that, I have nothing. Smart and beautiful and sad, sober and painful youth in the horse.

  Always can not forget such a light dusk in a white figure. On the snow-white paper, her writing style is very elegant. Maybe in such a busy world, we can never be home, because we don't have a real home. In fact, my mind has been clear for a long time.

  It seems that if there is no demonstration, it is like a layer of gauze, which can be broken with a slight poke, but the people on the opposite side turn a blind eye and maintain tacit silence.

  Dreamers always do not want to wake up the dream, although illusory, at least beautiful. Close your eyes and try to keep those good things going. Um. It will not stand alone in the world.
