



Reading 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:31 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Reading is an interesting and useful thing.You can read a novel or a poem.Whatever you read,your view can be widened,because books are full of knowledge that are interesting and useful.Maybe someting in the books are boring,don't worry,the more deeply you study,the more curious you are.It needs time and your strong heart.

  I'm also interested in reading.In my free time,I always reading some English novels.Not only can you have a good view,but also you can improve your English.Although it is a little difficult to understand the unclear words,you can guess the meanings of the word.Little by little,your reading comprehension must be improved.

  Reading owns the magic power,you should try it.


Learning English

  How to learn English well?Maybe a mass of students cannot get rid of it.When it comes to Learning English,remembering words is one of the most important things to do.But remembering words is not a good business,it can take much time to do.And when you remember them,you may forget after several days.If you want to remember them for a long time,you should do it by imagination.As you remember a word,you can make a sentence to describe it.Then it can leave in your mind for a long time,even forever.

  Spoken English is also important.It can be improved by reading aloud.If you read frequently,your Spoken English cannot be much bad.

  Believe in yourself,you can learn English well.
