



Certain Types of Books 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:33 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Have you noticed certain types of books missing from your library shelves? Marley Dias noticed that something important was missing from the books she was reading in school. "I wasn't seeing girls like me ---- black girls who are smart. " she says. In fact, most of the stories her class was reading in school didn't feature any characters at all who were black. "Black girls are not being described fully," Marley explains.

  She complained to her mother about this. Dias'mother was unwilling to simply accept her complaints, so she challenged her daughter, and what Marley did next won her the 2016 Awesome Person of The Year Award.

  "what are you going to do about it?" my mom asked.And I told her I was going to start a book drive, where black girls are the main characters in the book. So the 11-year-old New Jersey girl set out to collect 1,000 amazing stories featuring black girls."Black girls need to see stories about girls like them."Marley says. "Our voices and stories are so important." She created the #1000blackgirlsbooks, and her book from people all over the world.She has collected more than 7,000 books of many different styles and was asked to speak on several big talk shows. "People were surprised because I'm 11.But they were also proud of me,"she explains.

  Marley decided to donate the books to a school in Jamaica,where her mom is from. "We sent the books in person," Marley says.Marley is still collecting books and speaking about the importance of black girl characters. "You don't have to be the best," she says."You just have to do your best and do what you love."

Certain Types of Books

My Favourite person

  Thinking of the moment your warm hands holding mine.I remembered that raindy day again in tears.When I was in Grade One,I kept on calling you to take me home.Five minutes later,you surprised me by arriving at the schoolin such a short time.You ran to me and smiled,"Sorry,my dear.I'm late."These were the only words you said to me then.

  On the way,you held my hands.It made me fell safe as you had provided a shelter for me to grow up without hunger,illness or sadness.No matter how terrible the life gets,you never complain about anything.Your hope for me remains strong and you always have a smile on your face.The only thing I can repay you now is my respect and love.

  In my memory,your big,warm and somewhat rough hands never disappear.Maybe you aren't satisfied with my behavioiur someyimes,and those hands may pat on me.However,you are still my favourite person----my father.
