



The importance of newsp 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:34 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Newspapers have become a daily necessity for nearly everyone,especially in the city where people have to be aware of what is happening around them.Inspite of the television or Internet giving us information on the latest occurances,most people still prefer the feel of the actual newaprint.

  The newspapers is indeed important as it is a powerful tool to inform the public on various issues.It has a wide coverage as the estimated number of readers is about 10 million in Malaysia alone.Important and shocking news alike are quickly known to the nation through newspaper publications.Every day,the front page news captures the attention of the public and is almost always a topic in people's conversations.

  Another feature of the newspapers are the weekly or fortnightly articles written by columnists.These are the features which are able to attract a huge following of fans --people who are fascinated and interested in the writer's stories.Special write-ups on special occasions in newspapers also help people to have a better understanding of the events.

  The business section of the newspaper lends a helping hand to the investors who are keen on knowing about companies they have invested in.The comics section is a delight to the young and old alike.

  For the staff of newspaper companies,the journalists,especially,the newspaper is a means through which they are given chance to voice their opinions and make their stand on many issues.

  For companies looking for an avenue to advertise their products,the newspaper is one of the best choices .Because of the large number of people who read the newspapers,their products will be known by many peoples.

  Therefore,it can be concluded that the newspaper is important for everyone.

The importance of newsp

The ways of dental care

  Teeth are only bones in our body that are not covered by flesh.Whenever we grin,smile or laugh,we will see them.Teeth play an important role in helping us to enjoy our food;therefore,we should treat them with care.

  To prevent our teeth from rooting,we have to observe certain good rules.The usually reminded rule is to keep away from the "forbidden sweets".Eating food that contain a lot of sugar is one of the reasons why people had bad teeth.The acid in sweet foodslowly attack our teeth and gums,resulting in toothaches.We should,therefore,keep away from foodstuff such as sweets,snacks,chocolates and soft drinks which contain high amounts of sugar.

  Another way of dental care is to brush our teeth properly and regularly.By doing this,germs have less chancesto spoil our teeth,thus preventing pain in the gums.It is recomended that we brush our teeth in the morning,at night and after every meal to ensure a clean,sparkling set of teeth.Regular check-ups with the dentist should also be done.It is recomended that we must check our teeth with dentist every six months.This dental care can prevent our teeth when only the germs spoil your teeth a little,then you can do a treatment for your teeth does not continue rooting.

  Small children should be trained from young to brush their own teeth .Pregnant women must also give attention to their own oral hygiene.They should eat food that encourages the growth of strong teeth such as dairy products and fruits to ensure their babies have strong teeth.The smokers are advise to stop smoking because smoking are spoiling our teeth clean.

  If we take good care our teeth,we can always smile happily and eat with joyful.So,lets us take good care our teeth!
