



How I‘ve Changed 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:34 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  My life has changed a lot in the last few years .I used to be afraid of being alone and giving a speech in public .I used to be afraid of the dark .Now I'm not afraid of being alone and giving a speech in public .And I'm not afraid of the dark .The biggest change in my life was .I am not shy .This is the most important change because I didn't use to be popular in school,but now I get tons of attention.

How I‘ve Changed

My best friend

  My best friend is a book,and it is called as a diary by me.It is very quiet.I often talk to it,but it just listens,and it never replies to me. In the begining,I didn't like it at all.Because it was my homework.But now,I find that it is interesting to talk to it.And I can also improve my writing skill when I talk to it.It is good at listening to my heart and I can share my happy and sad with it.It makes me feel relax,so I regard it as my best friend.
