



母爱似水(英文) 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:34 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Someone said: "father is like a mountain, solemn and great. A mother's love is like water, gentle and kind" a mother's love is like water, because it is clear as water, no dirty things, let us bathe in the sea of love, and spring-like weathering rain, moistens our young and small mind. A mother's love to love you not because of any self, her love is selfless, is not return, so she is willing to pay. A mother's love can sometimes be like water, gently pushes us these small boats, filled with strong love around water, protect us. A mother's love is like water, you understand the mother the softness and the purity of love?


Pakho Chau

  Pakho Chau was born in Hong Kong on July 29 1980. At the tender age of three, he started to learn piano under constant supervision from his mom, Pakho's parents porced when he was 13. Already a quiet boy to begin with, Pakho grew even more secluded. He became independent rather quickly and was absorbed in his own music world. Whenever any musical ideas came to mind, he would jot them down. It wasn't before long he started writing his own songs. So,he became a famous singer.
