



Summer 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:38 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  When it comes to summer, you will certainly think of the words like hot and rain and next comes vocation. The heat in summer is so terrible that make people only want to stay at home, with an air-conditioner workind day after day. Sometimes it will rain a heavy rain, however this year, the endless rain brings not only cool temperature, but also some water build up. However, when you suddenly meet an unrainy day, you may happily call some friends out to play. If it's hot, you can go to the movies and if it's not, maybe you can go to some entertainment places to enjoy yourselves. And still, you can go to swimming, in the pool or to the sea, it's a good choice to not only exercise but also spend the fun. Summer is a time to fix yourself, you can make a plan for the autumn, or consider back to the spring about what you did wrong.

  May everyone enjoy their summer!



  Winter is coming. Autumn is coming. I want to buy a sweater for my boyfriend. Buy a turtleneck sweater. Because he was in Chengdu. In the winter, Chengdu has only a few degrees of temperature. I feel so cold, so i want to give him a piece of sewater, Although he is not in his side, but still hope that he will not be cold to. Can wear warm to go to work. So, even if i am not in his side, he put on the clothes i gave him, his heart will feel warm. But i do not know what size of clothes he wears. I do not want to ask him. Because i want to give him a surprise. I had to choose the size of his height. Buy a big point is still good.

