



英语自我介绍 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:51:14 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Hello! No , selbstvorstellung!

  I'm cute g rl , no 'm th rteen years old 。 'm form h na 。 have got b g fam ly :my mother 、 my father 、 my s ster 、my borther。 e are very happy everyday! have got tall nose and long ha r and small mouth 。

  l ke play football and s mm ng。 can speak h nese very ell and can speak some ngl sh 。 Banana s my fest val fru t。 l ke summer ,because summer s hot , can go s m ng。

  ho can be my fr end ?


中秋节英语作文:I am lonely

  Mid-Autumn Day,all the country is celebrating。 The streets are full of people, the loves are holding each other tightily。Everyone has his day。However,I am lonely。No one to hold,no one to kiss,no one to talk!

  I was walking around the street without purpose,seeing the lovers kissing,watching the fireworkes alone,walking backe room whist。

  Suddenly,i think i must be good to myself。So i decied to bue a present to myself。I know I will be good soon,and will find my Mr。Right。So tonight, a little teddy bear will sleep with me。And i know:i will have another teddy bear as a present that not bought from myself!
