



he international children's day 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:51:00 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Today is international children's day. My brother and I got up very early and have a look at the window outside, scared us all say not to come out. A night under the heavy rain today, my brother and I want to, won't go to play today. But surprisingly, grandpa up say to us: 'today we go to read a book, then go to eat dicos (bazhong no McDonald's) afternoon to Aladdin play in the game hall. Ok or not? We listened to, first one leng, then shouted grandpa, live forever! And then go to the bookstore reading a book.

  We went to the bookstore, the door has not been open. We waited for an hour after opened. After opened, we like a couple of days didn't eat moving west hungry Wolf. We are looking for their favorite books. After I read book. We went to eat dicos. After eating we will go to play video games (this is a very important link)

  We bought 30 games a coin I'll drive motorcycles. Game hall are too many people today, but we also play of very happy. At ordinary times, grandpa but resolute don't let us into the halls half step. Can make an exception for today, because today is "children!" Grandpa will make us happy. Hurry up and play!

he international children's day


  The tears swam down her face.

  "HOW COULD YOU RONALD," she screamed, her heart beating out of her chest.

  "It was only for the best Julia... She had to go," He replied, his voice barely audible through his whispers.

  "She was our DAUGHTER," Julia shouted, she ran straight for him, her dress torn by the passing tree branches. Ronald ran for his life, dodging each twig and jumping each creek. They kept running but Julia never grew tired. Ronald's legs started to collapse, suddenly he slipped. He lost hold of the branch providing him balance and fell towards the gushing river.

  "I'm coming for you Ronald," Julia's voice can be heard from the distance. He panicked, he couldn't do anything, his ankles burned against the rushing water. He swam with only his arms, his upper body strength was the only thing he could rely on.

  He felt his whole body pull back, he was stuck. His foot caught hold between two boulders, it was wedged shut. The water level grew higher, soon he was enveloped by the river. He couldn't breathe, he thought to himself. He panicked. Julia's face hovered above the water's surface, her face was horrifying. It was all too much, his lungs gave way and slowly his eyelids fell. "This was it," he thought. "Now Julia will never know that our daughter was in fact, safe and alive..."
