



My Dream 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:39 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Once I have a lot of dreams, although those dreams are far away from me, but I still is worth when it comes to, friends to listen to a listen to!

  When I was just in elementary school, I can only dream is to grow up to be a teacher. Because I looked at the teacher the great power that can imagine myself standing on the platform instruction do the students to do this, homework, batch jobs, play with my classmates. This is my first dream. My second dream is in grade four, that is to be a dancer, because mom and dad have seen it take me to a dance performance, dancers dance attracted me deeply, so I just decided to grow up to be a dancer. Came, and now my dream is to become when a singer, I like to stand on the stage, everyone else is holding my name brand, this is my dream, and you?

My Dream

My Life

  I think my life is very regular, please listen to my life habit! First of all, every day I get up at 7 o 'clock in the morning, and then wear clothes, wash a face, comb my hair, it may take me ten minutes of time. Then I eat breakfast, I don't when you eat leftovers, and is usually eat bread and milk in the morning, sometimes with some sausage. So he went to school. Home at noon, I will drink a glass of water first, supplement the moisture of the body. Lunch is usually eat rice, add some vegetables and meat. Then go to school again. Go home at night, the first thing is to drink water. Because I think water is the source of life, we have to drink plenty of water every day. Dinner usually eat noodles and vegetables and some meat. After about eight o 'clock, I will go out for a walk. This is my life habit, my friends, do you?
