



In the resturant 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:39 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Last nigth , i had dinner with my parents in a resturant . Sitting next to me was a gentleman from France. The waiter could not understand him , because he could not speak Chinese , i helped him to order. He said that he would like to eat Beijing roast duck, but do not know how to say . In the end he thanked for me. Here , i suggest that the Chinese restaurant should recruit the staff of English . Because with the times , a lot of foreigners also like to travel to China. This is the way to expand the market.

In   the   resturant

The summer holiday

  Summer holiday is coming . I will travel to Hang zhou with my friends . we will go to Hang zhou is graffiti wall painting. I will go to the playground in Hang zhou. Because i heard that the people of the wheel will be very happy. I hope that wu have a smooth journey. Have a good time ! If you want to travel with us, you can contact me before 20.
