



My holiday 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:39 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  I had a happy time on my holiday.I went to Qingdao with my mother.The weather was sunny and hot.We got there by bus.We ate sea food.It was fresh and delicious.And we swam in the sea.I really like swimming.I think it is healthy for my mind and body.Then we went to the stores.I bought something specil for my friends.I like this holiday,I think it was exciting.What about your holiday?Can you tell me?

My holiday

An incident which happened to Azli and Razak on their journey ho

  Azli and Razak are best friends. They are also mischievous. Last week, both of them were cycling home in a hot sunny afternoon after school. They were chatting about the activities they would do for the next weekend. While they were cycling, they passed by an orchard. The orchard was big and many rambutan trees were planted ther. The orchard belongs to Pak Abu, the headman of the village.

  "Look! How big the rambutan is!" Azli said as his finger pointed towards a tree. They planned to steal the rambutans. Quickly, they parked their bicycles behind some bushes. They looked around to make sure that nobody was around. Then, they leaped over the fence to get in it.

  "Yeah! We're in the orchard!" Azli said happily. He quickly climbed up to the tallest rambutan tree and started to pluck the rambutans. Razak picked up the rambutans which have thrown by Azli and put them under another tree. After that, Razak waited for Azli to climb down from the tree.

  Azli jumped down from the tree as he was acting like an active monkey. After he landed safely on the grass, he ran towards Razak and sat beside him. They started to eat the rambutans one by one as the weather was hot. As they were munching and enjoying the rambutans, they planned to steal once more and took the rambutans back and enjoyed it without their parents knew about it.

  Suddenly, Azli started groaning. "Ouch! My stomach hurts!" Azli said as his hands pressed on his stomach. Razak thought Azli was playing with him. "Stop acting like a coward ! Quick, go and steal once more if you're a man! Do it before anybody sees us!" said Razak seriously.

  But Azli was not playing with Razak. His tears dropped from his eyes. Suddenly, Razak started groaning too. His stomach was pained just like Azli. Both of them cried bitterly for help. Luckily, Pak Abu, the owner of the orchard heard them crying and yelling for help as he was wandering nearby. He phoned their parents immediately.

  Both Azli and Razak were sent to the nearby clinic. The doctor said they had eaten the rambutans which have chemical fertilizer on it. After they returned home, both of them were scolded by their parents for stealing Pak Abu's rambutans. They had learnt their lesson since the incident. They promised that they won't be mischievous in the future time. Otherwise, the same incident will happen again.
