



Amazing experince 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:40 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  I had an unforgetable expreince last night. I saw an UFO landed in the forest in the parl by mysself. There were many aliens in the UFO. They could speak English. They said they came form moon. Their UFO was damged because of a crash. They had no choice buttoland on the earth. Suddenly, I saw strong light though the forest. I thought they were army and they wanted to catch them. In order not to be caught, I told them to leave as soon as posssible. A monents later, the UFO was disappeared.

  It's amazing to see the aliens. I think I will meet them one day.

Amazing experince

Goldfish make the best pets

  I think that goldfish make the best friends.

  First, goldfish are beautiful and colourful. It is nice to watch the goldfish swim around. Second, goldfish are easy to keep. You just need a tand and some water. You cannot really do anything with a goldfish except watch it. Third, goldfish means luck and wealth. They can bring people joy and peace when we see them in the tank.

  Foe these reasons, I believe that goldfish make best friend.
