



Goldfish make the best pets 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:40 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  I think that goldfish make the best friends.

  First, goldfish are beautiful and colourful. It is nice to watch the goldfish swim around. Second, goldfish are easy to keep. You just need a tand and some water. You cannot really do anything with a goldfish except watch it. Third, goldfish means luck and wealth. They can bring people joy and peace when we see them in the tank.

  Foe these reasons, I believe that goldfish make best friend.

Goldfish make the best pets

Being a volunteer

  Jack, Linda and Bob are students from sunshine Secondary school. They take part in different charities. Jack is goos at drawing cartoons. He goes the Children's Welfare Center to help them take care of the chindren. He spends time teaching the children to draw comic strip. Linda can cut paper. She goes to the hospital to look afterthe sick. She shows her paper cutting to the sick and wishes them good luck. Bob do well in singing and dacing. He often goes to the old people's Home to help the old. He is sings and dance are so good that the old always feel happy.

  In my opnipn, being a volunteer is interesting and helpful. We can learn a lot when we help people in need.
