



How Is Newspaper Produc 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:34 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  The reporters go to somewhere in which there are interesting things. And they develop them at first. The photos will be taken to the chief editor. Then the chief editor will hold a meeting for those photos. They will choose the photos which can make readers feel happy and be useful.

  At last, they will write some messages about the photo. Then they give the factory these photos. The factory will print those photos with massages.

  This is the process about newspaper.

How Is Newspaper Produc

something about friends

  Today we've learnt a new module that discusses friendship```

  i asked my students several questions about friendship and their opinions about friends.

  They looked as if they had a great interest in this topic, and after listening to their answers, i found that they were happy to talk about this.

  what's the reason?

  They have so many good friends in their Senior High, they can study together, play together, and share their happiness and sorrow with each other. When they meet any difficulities, their friends can come to help. Therefore, they are always happy with their friends.


  What about my friendship?


  i think ,

  As we grow older, our friends become less and less. It's a sad thing for me. You know everyone needs friends. These days, i feel a bit lonely. I have been surfing the net all my spare time and i don't know what to do if there's no net...


  i need firends. i want to cherish ```

  my husband is the only close frined for me now ```

  What a sad thing!?
