



Honesty is thebest poli 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:40 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  "Honesty is the best policy" is a proverb.It tell us that if we are honest in whatever we do,we shall benefit by it in the end.

  Just suppose that when you failed your English examinations.Instead of telling your parents honesty,you tried to hide the fact from them.Or,what is even worse,suppose that you actually signed one of their names on your report card so that they would not know of your poor marks.If you did such a thing,you would cheat not only your parents and your teacher,but also yourself!For then you would not try to make any effort to improve your English,and you would certainly fail again your future tests.And for how long do you think you will be able to hide your failure and your dishonesty from your parents and teachers?It would not be very long before you were found out to be cheating.Think of the shame you would have at that time,not for failing the tests,but for cheating your parents and teachers!Or,what is even worse,when your parents or teachers found out how you were cheating them,will felt disappointed and punisned you madly.

  On the other hand,if you were honest obout your poor marks the first time you failed,even your parents and teachers felt sad for your poor marks,but they also will certainly try to help you improve your English.They would try to explain the lessons to you again and again until you understand them.Imagine your happiness when you overcome your weakness and when you are praised for the hard work you had put in.

  All this can be possible only when you have the right attitude,that is,when you know that"honesty is the best policy".And only if you are honest,happiness are always in your life.

Honesty is thebest poli







  大家都是第一次接触老外,场面有点僵硬,教室里显得格外安静。老外面带微笑地说:“Hello!”并鼓起掌来,场面的冰冷僵硬被老外的热情好客融化了。现场的气氛活跃了起来。接着他用流畅的英语介绍了自己,我们知道了他的名字,也知道他来自加拿大。但还是我怯生生地看着老外,也不敢举手发言。但老外老师用浓厚的英文打动了我,走到我身边,做了个俏皮的鬼脸,问道:“What's your name?”老外把这“困难无比”的题目给了我,我有点羞涩,不好意思地回答:“My name is Doirs.”红着脸坐了下去。心里想:天哪!我竟然第一次跟老外说了话,好激动哦!话音刚落,老外就说:“Very good!”我好高兴哦!老外表扬我耶!

  接着老外开始正式上课了!老外说,Get up与

  wech up不一样,一个是起床,一个是醒来,意思不同。然后他做了起床和醒来的动作,很是滑稽可笑。同学们笑得前俯后仰,忍俊不禁!突然间,老外那高大的身躯跳到一个同学面前,并大声说:“嗨!”并蹲了下去,看看那同学的脸。那个同学的脸马上红了,原来他在抽屉里看课外书,被老外用这种方式提醒了,真有趣!这堂课上,我们被老外丰富的肢体语言和叽里呱啦的英语感染得不亦乐乎!

