



英语老师二三事 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:42 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文








  一次, 班里的同学因为一次英语考试成绩差,而被老师

  叫去谈话。只见老师坐在椅子上,手里紧紧攥着那个学生的英语卷子,眉毛紧皱,眼睛里迸发出一种“邪恶而又搞笑”的目光,怒视了一会儿,又忽地站了起来冷不丁地冒出了一句:“你缺心眼子啊!” 老师上牙齿紧紧贴着下牙齿,把那个“子”字说得相当刺耳!不一会儿,老师的面部表情松弛了下来……就当大家感觉一切都结束了的时候,老师才开始了她的正式批骂。虽说老师不是个大理论家,但是话一出口便滔滔不绝,教训的那个学生的脸像是一个红彤彤的大苹果,恨不得找个地缝钻进去。









Let the Great Wall in

  On top of the Great Wall, we know what is what is majestic, magnificent.

  Climb the Great Wall, know nothing of great momentum, what Hao Ran the magnificent.

  Climb the Great Wall, just to understand why say" when Kazuo, Mo open", just understand why" single phase pillar".

  The Great Wall is the working people in ancient China created the miracle. Since the Warring States period began, constructs the Great Wall always is a big project. According to the record, Qin Shihuang used the nearly million labor to build the Great Wall, occupy countrywide population 1 / 20! There were no machinery, all labor and all must rely on manpower, work environment and high mountains and lofty hills, cliff. Can imagine, no large crowds on hard work, is unable to complete the great project.

  The Great Wall built close to the mountains and, when usually steep, such as climbing a dangerous mountain, such as a flat, twists and turns, hurry slowly, continued waves, but firm and indomitable will to appreciate the height that singular of the king, but never a day and make full. It is near the Great Wall, much to choose the most magnificent a board, is the so-called" a boat and know the world autumn", a section of the Great Wall is known to climb, the male, insurance, show.

  The male, in which the body, and the front without a head, no tail, a dragon by Yu Mianmian mountain, felt a hydra disc in green pines and verdant cypresses. Suddenly the day Gao Yunyuan, broad expanse of land. But their own micro inch mustard residues such as Huan, only hate cannot see the panorama. And the heart in it, then the wind and dat. For example do not increase, but the cloud with extreme ease away; don't add, broad but take in everything in a glance. Suddenly feeling soul out of the shell, or fly through the sky, or wandering ocean, leisurely but feel fresh.

  The so-called insurance, step rise directly to a high position, almost vertical, feet high level but only inches wide. Even the bold, also staring at the foot, dare not neglect the slightest; as for the timid, grab bars, held its breath, tread carefully, for fear of accidents. What's more, do not have dizzy heights of bile was, hands and feet, reason has " to climb the Great Wall .".

  When the hero hill, the Great Wall is the highest, eight winds, even in the summer, here also the wind sensing. That is: the wind has ears, heart sighs the Great Wall risks, scene is infinite, but also think of loop is difficult. Because of this risk is a" hero " say, indeed. On it, risk, more be full of excitement., a successful feeling arise spontaneously, but that" only to be sensed, not explained" miao.

  The so-called show, inside and outside the Great Wall, innumerable mountains and valleys, but the cloud, shady green grass; with that the undulating, brake momentum. The wind swept, Taosheng again, like the boundless blue, make many beautiful scenery of the Great Wall. This show the daughter of a humble family show, but as with bright moonlight like the show, the atmosphere of the show. This show with the Great Wall of male, insurance exchanges, have a style of one's own.

  Yu Changcheng, a first sense of its male, risks, and then show, but the three fully integrated, the male has risks, but be beautiful enough to feast the eyes; the risks in the show, but there is no lack of magnanimous. Den Yu Changcheng, not only have the immediate scene. Recalling the beacon four days, this is big, the defence is iron-clad., has witnessed many memories of how many hero hero, two thousand years old, amidst the winds of change, the pen can be described, is the so-called: the Ren Changcheng mountains, recumbent, hold the winding body, make it last forever, let the Great Wall long steep; in all the extraordinary years, stay out, new.

  In some places the original can stay in my heart, let imagination to draw, don't have to travel over land and water to the tired attitude to embrace the feelings, such as the the Great Wall. Finally in the shining sun reminiscent of mind of a bright moon, Qin moon Han is closed. The Great Wall, the moon, such things, remember, is an eternal!

  The Great Wall is the spirit of our nation a great wealth, it is timeless, will continue with the the Chinese people's spiritual and material civilization construction in the new practice and condensed into the spirit of the times.

  My eyes can't help looking to the sky.

  Let the Great Wall in.
