



My dream job 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:45 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Everyone has their own dreams,and I'm no exception.

  My dream job is to be an English translator,I have been interested in English since I was ten years old.I often read some books about English.I'm better at spoken English, but I have a poor knowledge of grammar.And I always can not read an English article fluently.In order to realize my dream as soon as possible, I have to read more English to improve my reading and vocabulary, I should also find a teacher to help me.

  No pains,no gains.I believe that in the near future, my dream will come true, and I will be an excellent translator

My dream job

A reply to sitedan

  Dear Stedan,

  I feel honored to receive your letter.You said in your heart that you would come to China.You said you were worried that you couldn't adapt to life in China and make friends in China.I want to give you some advice on this.

  First of all, you have to be bold to communicate with Chinese children.Try to be good friends with your classmates, be brave and don't be shy.If you treat your Chinese friends with your heart, they will treat you well.After you become good friends, you should help each other a lot in your study and life.

  Point 2, you have to constantly improve your Chinese level, this will help you learn Chinese culture.You can also discuss Chinese history with your teacher.When your Chinese level is improved, you will find that Chinese is a very charming language, it is very magical.

  Point 3, you have to adapt to Chinese life customs, saying that when in Rome, do as the Romans do.China has a lot of cultural customs, you may not adapt, but must accept him, because he is the tradition of the Chinese nation, you will like it.By the way, can you use chopsticks?You should use chopsticks to enjoy Chinese food.


  wang xiao hua
