



A speech 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:45 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Good morning,everyone I am a resident of Sri Petaling.I am glad to have an opportunity to represent the residents of Sri Petaling to say a few world here.

  I have been living in Sri Petaling for more than five years.I do like the flat dwellers of Sri Petaling. They are amiable,helpful and co-operative.However,the environment here is getting worse and worse.We are facing a lot of problems recently.They cause us lots of inconvenience

  First of all,the water supply at our place is very unreliable.It always lacks sufficient water during the hot days and even worse during the weekends when water will only drip in the afternoon.Therefore,we have to store some water every time and this is a real nuisance.

  Besides that,the lift faces frequently break down and it is a pity to watch old people and pregnant women walking up and down the stairs daily.And then the stairways re always dark because the lights are switched off after 8.00 p.m. and it is very dangerous for ladies and old folks to use them.

  Moreover,the playground in Sri Petaling is also unavailable for the children to play.The spacious land is meant to be the playground is new occupied by the hawkers from morning till night.Children have no choice but to play on the roads and it is dangerous to them.It will cause some accidents.

  Apart from that,our lives are worsened as we have lost our peace.The youngsters from other flats nearby perform illegal motor racing from midnight till three in the morning.It is very noisy and the people couldn't sleep well.

  These are the problems we are facing.We had appealed to the authorities to take stern actions towards the problems but so far nothing has happened.

  Finally,I have to end my speech and thank for your attendance.Thank you.

A speech

One of the Malaysian festivals

  Malaysia is a multiracial country where people of many different religions and cultures live harmoniously together.There are Chinese,Malays,Indians and others.Malaysians celebrate different festivals and events yearly,such as Chinese New Year,Hari Raya Puasa, Hari Raya Haji and so on.

  One of the Malaysian festivals is Chinese New Year.It is celebrated by the Chinese on the first day of the Chinese Lunar calendar.It is special festival for the Chinese because it is a symbol of hope.Everyone in the family is busy preparing many things for the New Year.Parents buy new clothes for their children.The children help their parents to decorate and clean their house.

  One New Year's Eve,every member of a Chinese family gathers together to have a grand dinner with lots of tasty food.On New Year's day,everyone wears new clothes and shoes.The children greet their parents and grandparents "Gong Xi Fa Cai".Then,they give them 'ang pao' which are red packets with money inside.

  Everyone enjoys the festival very much.
