



My dream 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:46 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  I used to have two wishes,one is to want to let me like and do not want to forget the people or things always exist in my heart.

  Another is and it is just the opposite,let those I don't like people or things with the wind drift to the winds,never come back and see me.

  But the life can have several Ruyi,the reality is often and you cantankerous,gas you foam with rage,that sour nose,heartache,angry tears are welling up in her eyes..........

My dream

my last weekend

  Hi!my name is bob. l am very happy today. because l had an interesting weekend.

  on saturday morning. l did my home work. but they were little difficult,So it took me a long time.on the saturday afternoom, l cleaned my house. on satur day evening. l learn math and history for east. on the sunday morning. l went to walk. on the sunday afternoon, l climbed the mountion. l saw many flowers and trees. on the sunday evening. l watched TV with my parents.

  l had a very interesting weekend.l am very happy. what about you?
