



my travel 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:46 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  the snow will melt into tears,I heart feel pain,I know you miss me, so I say Don't cry,when the spring comes,I will come back.

  In fact, the spring comes,you can see the flower bloom.but I'm so sorry,my travel was so long,so I couldn't come back.

  The world is sp magnificent,you can see the different things.

  you can see there is a poetry in the wall, the poetry said,Day after day, dark comes and goes away. It is amazing.

  the time is so short,my travel is so long.

  As far as I see, sun become lighter,the bird fly in sky,the gentle wind swept the garden,the flower bloom and goes away.I feel lucky,I can find it so wonderful in my life.

my travel

I have a dream

  As the old saying goes by,Where there's a will,There is a way.Everyone has a dream,Some people just have a little dream,Some people have a magnificent dream.

  when I was a child,I want to become teacher.I can teach some people to doing somethings.For example,I can teach them to draw picture,they can use the pen to create the world.I can teach them to write poetry,they can make wonderful poetry.

  At present,I hope become a nurse,I will come the medical university, when I grow up.I will help some people,I can help to take away the worst of the pain,I can help them to make a more happy time,When the gentle wind swept the face,I can see the sweet smile in the face.

  we should have a dream,because we can make the world of happiness.
