



reading 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:48 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  We have a little time to do reading.When we read books,don't do anything else.Becauseit is bad for your reading.And we can use other knowledge to help ue understand something when we read books.It is good for ypu to improve your read.And then you should be good at using reference books.When we have trouble in reading,we can asks somebody about it.If you like reading,your reading ability will be better and better.

  Last but bot least we should try our best to read more and more books.


My room

  Hello, my name is Wang Yingfeng。 This is my room, it is very clean, because I have to clean my room every day. My bed is beside the door, my desk beside the bed, my bag on the table, my basketball under the table. My bookshelf beside the desk, there are many books in it. This is my room, how is your room?
