



尊重是一种道德 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:49 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  There are always some people of our labor, without asking for anything in return; there are always some people to help us, not praised...... He is silent, street labor. Almost everywhere, as always with white masks, wearing a yellow coat, holding a broom to sweep the dust on the ground. People never see, some from the cleaner side galloping. Who ever thought the workers hard? May not need round the clock, but he is still in our responsibility! Some people as they did not exist, someone because of dust sweeping raised when angry, some people will refuse to pass by., tossed by the cleaner...... People are equal. Who do not need the protagonist, who not need foil. Do not use the appearance or occupation to the evaluation of a person, sometimes even adults have sad! In order to facilitate the people, how many night and day work? Of course they also like us, don't like being laughed at. They also have time to tears! Think, when some people to people and selfless dedication to the people, and the labor time, heard a laugh, a complaint, they will be sad, also will be sad! Please respect everyone, don't rub salt in the wound to others! Life is equal, there is no distinction or distinction, respect is Chinese since ancient times, the most excellent tradition, but also the Chinese people's spirit. We should carry forward the spirit of respect for others.



  The most beautiful forever is the mother I read "2014" awards ceremony moved Chinese program, their love, responsibility and dedication spirit moved me deeply, strongly shook my soul. In the ten major characters in the story, Yao Houzhi left a deep impression on me. The mother as humble as moss, solemn like the dawn, soft as Jiangnan acoustic, as hard as the Millennium cold jade, look, she Haohao, moon, head bowed, she is the vast earth. Who knows what a grassroots mother flower before the Yi Jian, who knows a mother into the moon in front of the eternal. And the coming years at the end of the mother is Yao Houzhi. She was suffering from breast cancer, with three years of time to weave their own children love. In time to see her, when the blending of our eyes, my soul from the body, abandoned the identity, discarding the interests, abandon everything, the world became very quiet. The clock is no longer "tick" sound, the river no longer runs, no longer the falling leaves. I only see a mother, covered with thorns draw her life blood, but she suddenly, tired smile. So simple.
