



a snow doll 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:54 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  It is snowing! The children are happy extremely, they piled a snow doll in the snow. She was dressed very beautiful by the children.

  The sun came out, the sunshine shone on the snow doll, she became more beautiful and lovely.

  However, the lovely snow doll will melt before long, i will see her again, because she has been slowly fly to the sky, and she will turn into a beautiful white clouds.

a snow doll

my father

  My father is very tall and handsome. Below with thick eyebrows with a pair of shining eyes. He likes watching TV and movies, what is more, he also likes to play basketball with me.

  Dad does well in cooking, the best skilful braise are soy sauce fish and sweet and sour pork ribs. I could eat the delicious food every night, as a consequence, i get fat because of dad`s good workmanship.

  My father is a football fan, he often lets me see a football game with him. But i don not like to see, because i don`t understand the rules. It is the most intereating thing that my dad is very excited when the team goals, he keeps clap your hands all the time.

  This is my father, i love him.
