



Go to Mary's home 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:49 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Hi ,Mary ! Now let me tell you how to get to my house.Go out of the Center Park, you are standing on the Green Street.Then walk straight along the street.Turn left at the street .Turn left at the second crossing .You can see a big bank ,a small supermarket and a clean restaurant.Welcome to my house next weekend.

Go to Mary's home

The way to school

  Jack and his father move to a new town.Jack 's parents are very busy,so Jack takes the school bus every moring at twenty past seven.

  One moring when he gets up, it is eight o 'clock,so he has to take his father 's car to school."Do you know the way to my school,Dad?""No,but you can tell me.""Ok!"Then Jack tells his father to turn right here and turn left there.

  His father 's car runs around most places of the town before they get to school .His father finds that the school is not very far from their house ."Why do you tell me to go this long way ,Jack?""Because our school bus always goes this way to pick up other children to school."

  Do you think jack is lovely?
