



Words are objects to express feelings, 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:54 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Light Sujian, thick ink rhyme, elegant words, disseminated earthly feelings; leisurely years, tea Madadayo, chic cup, filled with poetic youth; the holding tea and defines, smart notes, singing warm words: Flying thoughts, diffuse through the four seasons as a song. To read a short essay, a cup of tea, listening to a piece of music. Words are the most able to express the mood of the object, but also one of the ways we communicate. Maybe there are some things you can say when you don't export, you can write it down in words!

Words are objects to express feelings,

Protect the environment

  There are too many ways to protct our environment.For example,when we see the mess around the road,we can pick the trash up into the trash bin.

  Second,we should do our best to walk to school or ride a bicycle instead of taking the car.Since we study at school,we should know that everyone should do their part in keeping it clean and tidy.Nobody wants to live in a dirty place.

  After we washing the hands,please turn off the water.It's a waste of water instead.The clean water is endangered and we must keep it.As for the food we could eat more vegetables and less meat.

  At last,We can reuse things over and over again because everything around the world will be run out of.
