



My strong father 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:54 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  My strong father

  My father is very very strong.Why?Let's see!

  In the morning.He go to the palygroud.He paly basketball.It's good for him.In the afternoon.He go to the bed.In the evening he go to the grm.That's good for his body.He eat vegetables fourteen times a week.He eat apple once a day.Like The Old Saying an apple a day,keeps the doctor away.

  I love my strong father!

My strong father

my life 100字 六年级

  I think i live a very good life.Why?Because i'm very happy and satisfied.Here i come to talk about my life.

  On Monday to Friday is busy.In the moring.I have breakfast.Then i go to school.In the afternoon.I have lunch.I do my home work.It's fun.In the evening.I have dinner.I go to the bed.On Saturday are different.In morning,i go to the library.In the afternoon,i play ping-pong.In the evening,i play computer.Then i go to bed.

  I think i live a very good life.What abot you?
