



难忘的旅行英语 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:56 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  I was so happy that I think this is one of my Unforgettable Trip

  When I was a primary school student, my family and I took a trip to five cities which were in the south of China。

  First, we came to Nanjing by plane。 That was the first time I had taken the plane and it took us an hour and a half to get there。 We arrived in Nanjing in the morning。 At 11:30 we went to a restaurant to have lunch。 The food tasted delicious。 In the afternoon we went to “Zhongshanling”。 It was the place that preserve the tomb of Mr。 Sugshan。

  The next day, we came to Wuxi and then Suzhou where we visited the region of rivers and lakes of “周庄”。 It was a beautiful and old place。 The house there were along the river and the women always washed clothes at the bank。

  The fourth day, we came to Hangzhou where We visited “The West Lake。 It was very beautiful and the water was clear 。 As we all know, Hangzhou is famous for silk and tea, so we bought some beautiful silk and famous tea of “龙井”。

  The last place that we visited was Shanghai。 It was one of the biggest city is China。 The night view in Shanghai was more beautiful than Beijing。 We visited the TV tower of “东方明珠”。 It was the third tallest tower in the world。 Standing in the tower you could see the whole city。 In the evening, we lived in a hotel with 25 floors。 I was very excited that evening。

  This trip took us seven days and we went back to Beijing by plane。 The plane was very very big。 There were three engine rooms。 I felt happy and I would never forget the trip。





  开始排练了,同学们精神抖擞,跟着老师大声唱着“goodbye to you……”,教室外虽然有点冷,但教室里的气氛却很热烈,我也跟同学们一样大声的唱着,唱着唱着,我的背上就开始冒汗了,脖子直发酸,两条腿也酸溜溜的,但看到同学们唱得非常认真,非常入神,心想:别人能坚持我为什么就不能坚持呢?于是,我又继续唱起来。在以后的两天里,陈老师请”专家”来为我们辅导,我们每天都有几节课在排练节目,我们排得很辛苦,但老师辅导得更辛苦,工夫不负有心人,我们的进步越来越大,我心里美滋滋的,对演出更加充满了信心。



  一班表演完了,轮到了我们班表演,我的心情既紧张又激动,队伍开始走动了,一上去就去瞅台下,哇!那么多人,随着音乐缓缓响起,马上我的心又平静下来,“goodbye to you,my trusted friend……。”慢慢地我做起了老师排的舞蹈动作……表演完了,我们大声说了一句:”thank you!”才恋恋不舍的走下台去。

