



A Nightmare 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:57 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  It was late at night but I still couldn’t sleep.So I picked up one of my favourite Darren Shan’s vampire books to read.The Story was very scary.

  Suddenly,I heard a knocking sound coming from my house door.So,I left my bedroom because I was curious to find out who will be knocking on my house door in the middle of the night.

  When I opened the door,nobody was there!I begun to feel my spines tingling.I quickly slammed the door and rush to my bedroom.When I was beside the door,I suddenly stop and froze.Fear rushed through my body.

  There,lying on my bed,was a bloody zombie!I screamed and screamed and ran to my parents’ bedroom.I knocked on my parents’ bedroom door,but the didn’t answer me.I scream with all my might when I saw the zombie came out from my from bedroom with a razor sharp knife.

  I ran out of my house onto the street.I kept thinking:Why wouldn’t anybody help me?I saw an opened door of a house.So I immediately rushed into that house without thinking.I quickly shut the door and locked it.Phew,I thought I was safe.But this house isn’t what I expected…

  Inside the house,I saw many drops of blood.I was terrified.But I still insist to explore the house rather than been kill by the zombie!So I begun to explore the house although I was frightened.I thought I heard piano sound…I followed the piano into a room,and saw a vampire playing a sad soft melody on the piano in the room.The vampire didn’t notice me.He wore a tuxedo,tied with a red ribbon,like a bridegroom.I quickly left the room before he noticed me.Then,I begun to explore the second floor of the attic of the house.

  I realized the attic was a shrine of a ravishing young woman.She wore a pine wedding gown with a bite mark on her neck.The vampire must have bit her before.On the other side,laid an enormous portrait of the same woman.Under the portrait was an elegant black coffin with a letter on it.I think:This must be the vampire’s wife!

  I was too attracted to these things that I didn’t realized that the gruesome vampire was just behind me.As I felt strange,I turned back and faced him.I was very scared,but I quickly remembered my cross necklace.

  I remembered in every vampire books I have read,vampires are afraid of garlic cross.Although I don’t believe in vampires,but I felt this one in front of me was real!I didn’t have any garlic so I quickly pulled out my cross and ‘showed’it to the vampire in case he bites me.The vampire vanished into thin air.When I was outside the house,the zombie leaped at me.

  I managed to dogde.I ran and ran,then I fell down.The zombie almost killed me…Suddenly,I felt somebody shaking my body and yelled;”Wake up!Wake up!Your going to be late for school!”Phew,at least that was just a nightmare.I swore to myself,I would never stay up late again!

A Nightmare


  I lived in southern



  Murcia City

  . Everyone year in February in the city will be the countless people is looking forward the madness of the festival. It made life in adults and children here. In the busy work and learn and easy to get a temporary relaxing. The madness of the festivals makes up and parade. The make up a mask is high light. In celebrate of the process. The adults and the children taking part in it will dress themselves as different kinds of figures. Some of them act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something. Some act devils in animal forms. Some act a lot kind of insect’s image, but people will act themselves part of pertinent theme celebration. Of cause, our school takes part in this action, it is teacher’s prepared. This year our school’s madness of the festival theme is: ward. Therefore we all wear a lot kind of clothes. Fat 蘑菇文ach had chubbier. But I fall the Chinese cheongsam. When we across the street. The people go to the street both sides are not have nothing to do. Because this is commoner’s mad of the festival. The people will flow the team of the parade. Singing and dancing together. That seen let us desirable to let people lose themselves. When the people gathered to the bull fighting, people wave there hands, and cheers a lot. And then music is beginning. The people dance to the music in the square. Right now, presented in front of people is a sea of joy and happine
