



I Want To Swim In Space 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:57 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  My name is Long Tao. I want to be a astronomer. For becoming a astronomer, I often went to see the spaceflight and spread and read the book on astronomy.

  One day, I’m reading a book of cosmos in my room. I wonder fell asleep some day, and I had a dream. Dreamt I myself and drive the airship get to the outer space the and meet a Extraterrestrial. I the all the way follows him, suddenly was found by him, I give regards friendly to him and the hope becomes friends with him ,He was very happy, and we have a appointment: after I have grown up, I certainly go to outer space to call on him again. We had a good time……“Get up! Get up!......” Mother was claping me on the back ,Oh! So I am in the dream!

  Aftertaste just now interesting dream ,I even it became a astronomer to think of. Then I had become a astronomer, I certainly study the astronomy hard, I return more knowledge, Study out the more cosmos profound mystery, and Untie the bing confused of more astronomy. It is higher to manufacture out walk can airship of spaceflight. The outer space in my illusion is such mysterious, It is slipshod to have everywhere flash of starting to burn, there is fantastic animal on some of the planets. Let human beings realize the dream to roam complete galaxy. I will carry on my ambition. I would try my best to finish it. Maybe I will meet the Extraterrestrial when I space. YEAH!

I Want To Swim In Space




  我的眼珠骨碌骨碌地转。思考着解决的方法。这时,我的目光停留在桌子上的电脑里,我新想:虽然我没带字典,但可以通过电脑尝试解决我的问题呀!想到这里,我急忙打开百度,按了下“网页”, 我又按了一下“百度搜索”这四个字,再打开英语书,把生词一个个输入进电脑,接着,电脑上跳出了一个关于查英语字词的网站,我又输入生词,它马上跳出对那个生词的解释,我定眼一看,欣喜若狂地叫起来:“哇!”内容真丰富,不但有这个生词,还有它的音标和解释,最引人注目的是一个呈喇叭形的图案,我按了一下那个喇叭,“between~”,这个生词的读音在我耳畔边回响,我不禁兴奋地叫起来:“好神奇啊!”


