



一个英语故事[校正版] 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:51:03 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Now, I tell a story for everybody: Gu Meng is a young boy, he does not have the family member, therefore is very sad, but he has a cat, this cat can sing.

  A Saturday morning, gives a thought to the dream to go to the market, this cat sang a song: "Small, two small, three small rabbits; Four small, five small, six small white rabbits, seven small, eight small, nine small white rabbits, ten small white rabbits."

  A man rides in immediately, has listened to this first song, but also bought this cat, Gu Meng obtained the money, in the heart is very happy.





  Dear Rita,

  How is everything going? I’d like to introduce my friend, TIAN TIAN , to you. She’s twelve year-old. She’s got short hair and big eyes. She likes swimming、reading books and singing. She will study in George Spencer School for one year. I’ve already told her many things about you. I belive that you will be good friends. She’ll arrive on August the first at the London Xiseluo airport. She’ll arrive at 4 o’ clock in the afternoon.Remember, she will wear a green shirt、blue shorts and a pair of sunglasses.

  Will you please be kind enough to meet her at the airport? Many thanks.

  Best wishes.


  Li Hua


  假如你叫李华,你的朋友田甜将去英国George Spencer School学习一年,并将乘飞机于8月1日下午4点到达伦敦希斯罗机场。请你将她的基本情况介绍给你的英国朋友Rita,希望她们成为好朋友,并请Rita去机场接她。请根据以上内容给Rita写一封信,介绍田甜的年龄、外貌、性格以及爱好。词数80左右,开头结尾已经写好,不计入总词数。
